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Little girl


When I was a little girl.I Knew that I had a gift for music.

Playing was my love.

While most kids were running outside in the burning summer sun,playing childish games,I was happy to sit indoor for hours practicing my beloved paino.

While I played,I felt like in a whole new world where I was free and easy.

All I had to worry about is my music.

Playing was never boring for me.

I had spent mounths practicing and the big day finally came.

It was the day of the music competition.

The music hall was packed with the excited audience.

I sat in the first row with my mom seated beside me.

As the fellow competitors were playing,I couldn't keep my mind on their music.

I was just memorizing the notes and practicing the fingerings.

I had known my music was like the back of my hand.

But this time,to my great surprise,I found my fingers completely out of my control.

They kept shaking.

I nearly burst into tears.

Seeing this,my mom held my hands tightly in hers.

She even breathed on them as if wanted to warm them up.

Then she whispered in my ear,"Sweatie,take it easy.Just listen and enjoy the music."

I looked up and turn my attention to the competitor in the center of the stage for the first time,

A thin and tall boy was sitting at the beautiful red paino.

He looked calm and confident.

His fingertips danced on the keyboard.

The soft and gentle sound of the paino flew in the air.

For a momenr,I totally fogot my nervousness.

Then it was my turn to play and I felt anxious again.

It seemed like I had butterflies in my stomach.

My mom gave me a pat on my back and said softly,

"Just enjoy it,honey."

I found encouragement and confidence in her eyes.

I got up,stepped on to the stage and bowed to the audience.

I tried my best to keep calm.

I slowly placed my fingers on the keyboard,took a deep breath and started to play.

To my delight,everything seemed unbelievable smooth.

Suddenly my fingers slipped and hit a wrong note.

I could clearly fell the disappointment from the crowd's deep sigh.

"Just enjoy it."My mom's words echoed in my ears.

I continued playing as if nothing had happened.

Soon I entered the familiar music words again.

Eventually,when I finished my last note,the crowd all stood up,which was totally out of my expectations.

Though I didn't win the championship,I knew I learned something more valuable.

Learning to enjoy music was more important than the championship itself.
