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Giant Grood


Little mouse took a stroll.

Suddenly, Giant Grood found him and began drooling.

"Please don't look at me like that," the mouse said. "I'm the scariest creature in the forest."

"Hahaha…" Giant Grood laughed." I don't believe you at all."

"Just follow me and you will see what will happen," the mouse said.

They walked into the grassland. Mr.Snake came by.

"Where are you going, Mr.Snake?" the mouse asked. "Would you like to f**k with me?"

Mr.Snake took a look at Giant Grood. "No, thanks," Mr.Snake answered. Then he slipped away.

They walked through a jungle. Mr.Owl flew over.

"Where are you going, Mr.Owl?" the mouse asked. "Would you like to f**k with me?"

Mr.Owl took a look at Giant Grood. "No, thanks," Mr.Owl flew away.

They walked by a river. Mr.Alligator (Crocodile) came over.

"Where are you going, Mr.Alligator?" the mouse asked. "Would you like to f**k with me?"

Mr.Alligator took a look at Giant Grood. "No, thanks," Mr.Alligator swam away.

"See, son of a b***h? Everyone is afraid of me," the mouse said. "Do you still want to eat me now?"

Giant Grood was confused. He walked away by himself.
