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Captain Nemo turned on the electric lantern, which soon attracted a number of sea animals, curious to see where the light had come from. After a few more hours of walking, we came to a wall made up of rocks. It was the earth! Here was the beginning of the island.

We then began our return to the Nautilus. This new path was quite steep, making the walk rather painful. I then heard the captain shoot his gun, and a large sea animal ahead of us then fell to the ocean floor. Captain Nemo then put the great animal over his shoulder, and we continue our journey. After another two hours walking, I was horrified to see two sharks nearby. They were terrible-looking animals, with iron jaws that could easily crash a human. Luckily, these terrible monsters did not see us as they swam by, as sharks have terrible sight. Half an hour after, we arrived at the Nautilus. The outer door had been left open, and we entered. Captain Nemo then let the water escape and the room was soon empty of water. The inside door was opened, and we were taken inside. There, our suits and helmets were taken off, and we returned to our rooms for food and sleep. I thought about our incredible adventure for the rest of the evening until I fell asleep.
