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TikTok之争:不是玩笑-The TikTok tussle: No joke-02



The dispute will probably reach the Supreme Court. In the meantime, the ramifications of the tussle are becoming clearer. They go well beyond TikTok.Panda Foreign Magazine Intensive Reading:Respect for Originality, Piracy Must Be Punished

法律规定了总统纳入其他公司的标准。任何在美国拥有超过100万月活跃用户,并且至少20%由四个“对手”国家(中国、伊朗、朝鲜和俄罗斯)的外国人持有的平台,都可能成为目标。本课程出自公众号:熊猫外刊精读,制作不易,尊重原创,愿诸君上岸!民主党籍国会议员拉吉·克里士纳赛(Raja Krishnamoorthi)与该法案的合伙人之一表示,这使社交媒体的规定与对其他媒体的外国所有权限制保持一致。

The law includes criteria for a president to add other companies. Any platform with more than 1m monthly active users in America and at least 20% owned by a foreigner based in one of the four “adversary” countries—China, Iran, North Korea and Russia—could be targeted. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democratic congressman and one of the bill’s co-sponsors, says this brings social media up to date with foreign-ownership limits on other media.
