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ongoing training


I wholeheartedly concur Kelly that it' s good idea for companies to provide ongoing training to employee, because it not only keeps them staying but also benefit for each relationship between employer and employee. Moreover, I would add that it will promote employees to be more professional at the same time. For instance, I used to be a teacher in high school, from a novice to a well-experienced teacher, I need to learn basic teaching methodologies, keep up with advancing in education and find solutions for individual students. Behind each session lies tremendous effort made by me, write teach plan, carefully analyzing assignment and exploit strategy for students. And that' s why I have become such a professional and admirable teacher now. Admittedly, Andrew proposes a relevant point that the company could hire professional workers directly. However, he does not mention that always cost tremendously and with ineffective. Finally, I still firmly believe the most wisely choice that company can make.
