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I wholeheartedly concur with David that AI has the potential to solve many of the world’s problems. I would add that due to the advent of computer science, AI has already helped people a lot in terms of every day lives.

For instance, a person who is not feeling well tries to consult chatgpt about his illness. The result is very satisfactory, which even offers solutions to his ailment. This is a quintessential example of how AI functions to pull people out of their misery.

Megan raises the relevant point that AI may evolved to do unethical things. Indeed, we have seen plenty of examples on sci-fi that AI takes the place of human workers, which leads to horrifying things or even massacre.

However, she does not mention that the designer of the machine has the ability to plug and unplug, which places total control in the hands of human.

Overall then, I would say that the merits brought by artificial intelligence have outweighed its drawbacks.
