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The Travelling Companion


Once upon a time, there was a young man named Hans who was travelling alone through a dense forest. It was getting dark, and he was feeling very tired and hungry. Suddenly, he saw a bright light shining in the distance. As he got closer, he saw that it was a small cottage.

Hans knocked on the door, and an old woman answered. She welcomed him inside and offered him a warm meal and a comfortable bed for the night. Hans was grateful and thanked her for her kindness.

As he was eating his meal, he noticed a strange man sitting at the other end of the table. The man was dressed in a long black coat and had a pale complexion. Hans felt uneasy around him but didn't say anything.

After dinner, the old woman showed Hans to his room. As he was getting ready for bed, he heard a knock on his door. When he opened it, he saw the strange man standing there.

The man introduced himself as a travelling companion and asked if he could join Hans on his journey. Hans was hesitant at first but eventually agreed.

As they continued their journey, Hans noticed that the man was very knowledgeable about the forest and its dangers. He also had a strange ability to sense danger before it occurred.

One day, they came across a group of bandits who were planning to rob them. The travelling companion quickly came up with a plan to outsmart the bandits and save their lives.

Hans was amazed by the man's bravery and intelligence. He realized that he had been wrong to judge him based on his appearance.

From that day on, the two became good friends and travelled together for many years. Hans learned that sometimes, the most unlikely companions can be the most valuable ones.
