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爱是两个人在一起时有一种感觉,一种“亲切感”,男人可以不英俊,女人可以不漂亮,但是彼此看着顺眼,彼此感到亲切,就像亲人一样,在对方面前都能彻底地放松,愿意敞开心扉,愿意暴露自己的脆弱,愿意暴露自己的缺点而不必担心对方轻视和嘲笑。爱是两个人心灵和思想上的交融,是彼此的理解和宽容,是一种放松的心情和亲人般的感情。爱是双方彼此的关心和体贴,是彼此心疼爱惜的感觉,是你对我好、我对你更好的感恩的心情。爱是无条件的付出,心甘情愿地付出,是发自内心真正的想法。不是浪漫的鲜花和烛光晚宴,也不是甜言蜜语海誓山盟。Love is a kind of feeling when two people are together, a kind of "intimacy". Men can not be handsome, women can not be beautiful, but they look good at each other and feel friendly to each other. Like relatives, they can completely relax in front of each other, they are willing to open their hearts, they are willing to expose their vulnerability, they are willing to expose their shortcomings without worrying about the other's contempt and ridicule. Love is the blending of two people's hearts and minds, the understanding and tolerance of each other, and the feeling of relaxation and kinship. Love is the care and consideration of each other, the feeling of loving each other, and the feeling of your kindness to me and my better gratitude to you. Love is unconditional giving. Giving willingly is a real idea from the heart. It is not romantic flowers and candlelight dinner, nor sweet words and vows.

