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大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 38

I did not allow my resolution, with respect to the Parliamentary Debates, to cool. It was one of the irons I began to heat immediately, and …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 8 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 33 最快速度: 60 WPM 字数: 37821 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 37

My new life had lasted for more than a week, and I was stronger than ever in those tremendous practical resolutions that I felt the crisis r…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 9 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 66 最快速度: 59 WPM 字数: 17718 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 36

I began the next day with another dive into the Roman bath, and then started for Highgate. I was not dispirited now. I was not afraid of the…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 9 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 33 最快速度: 97 WPM 字数: 38210 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 35

As soon as I could recover my presence of mind, which quite deserted me in the first overpowering shock of my aunt's intelligence, I propose…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 7 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 60 最快速度: 63 WPM 字数: 45331 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 34

I wrote to Agnes as soon as Dora and I were engaged. I wrote her a long letter, in which I tried to make her comprehend how blest I was, and…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 8 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 29 最快速度: 59 WPM 字数: 18919 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 33

All this time, I had gone on loving Dora, harder than ever. Her idea was my refuge in disappointment and distress, and made some amends to m…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 8 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 31 最快速度: 71 WPM 字数: 37760 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 32

What is natural in me, is natural in many other men, I infer, and so I am not afraid to write that I never had loved Steerforth better than …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 7 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 41 最快速度: 74 WPM 字数: 41606 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 31

It was not difficult for me, on Peggotty's solicitation, to resolve to stay where I was, until after the remains of the poor carrier should …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 7 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 20 最快速度: 47 WPM 字数: 19811 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 30

I got down to Yarmouth in the evening, and went to the inn. I knew that Peggotty's spare room - my room - was likely to have occupation enou…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 6 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 32 最快速度: 49 WPM 字数: 17490 开始打字练习

大卫・科波菲尔-Chapter 29

I mentioned to Mr. Spenlow in the morning, that I wanted leave of absence for a short time; and as I was not in the receipt of any salary, a…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 10 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 31 最快速度: 57 WPM 字数: 16374 开始打字练习



