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击败了全国 0% 的人

简爱英文版-CHAPTER 04

FROM my discourse with Mr. Lloyd, and from the above reported conference between Bessie and Abbot, I gathered enough of hope to suffice as a…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 28 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 330 最快速度: 101 WPM 字数: 31877 开始打字练习

简爱英文版-CHAPTER 03

THE next thing I remember is, waking up with a feeling as if I had had a frightful nightmare, and seeing before me a terrible red glare, cro…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 42 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 339 最快速度: 101 WPM 字数: 17628 开始打字练习

简爱英文版-CHAPTER 02

I RESISTED all the way: a new thing for me, and a circumstance which greatly strengthened the bad opinion Bessie and Miss Abbot were dispose…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 46 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 381 最快速度: 102 WPM 字数: 15354 开始打字练习

简爱英文版-CHAPTER 01

THERE was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but sin…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 173 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 439 最快速度: 68 WPM 字数: 10834 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 35

THE reader may rest satisfied that Tom's and Huck's windfall made a mighty stir in the poor little village of St. petersburg. So vast a sum,…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 192 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 422 最快速度: 99 WPM 字数: 10115 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 34

HUCK said: "Tom, we can slope, if we can find a rope. The window ain't high from the ground." "Shucks! what do you want to slope for?" "Well…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 43 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 23 最快速度: 44 WPM 字数: 4773 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 33

WITHIN a few minutes the news had spread, and a dozen skiff-loads of men were on their way to McDougal's cave, and the ferry-boat, well fill…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 29 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 288 最快速度: 106 WPM 字数: 18077 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 32

TUESDAY afternoon came, and waned to the twilight. The village of St. petersburg still mourned. The lost children had not been found. public…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 34 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 77 最快速度: 68 WPM 字数: 5581 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 31

NOW to return to Tom and Becky's share in the picnic. They tripped along the murky aisles with the rest of the company, visiting the familia…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 15 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 64 最快速度: 59 WPM 字数: 16370 开始打字练习

汤姆索亚历险记英文版-Chapter 30

AS the earliest suspicion of dawn appeared on Sunday morning, Huck came groping up the hill and rapped gently at the old Welshman's door. Th…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 14 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 84 最快速度: 60 WPM 字数: 16674 开始打字练习



