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红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 33

The Torment of the WeakIn cutting this diamond, a clumsy jeweller removed some of itsbrightest sparkles. In the Middle Ages, what am I sayin…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 28 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 84 最快速度: 51 WPM 字数: 10547 开始打字练习

谁杀了列那狐英文版-Chapter 13 Kindell Will Say Nothing

"NOW," M. SAMUEL said, in the assured voice of one who dealt with trivial matters, and has no doubt that his request will be granted as casu…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 18 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 42 最快速度: 66 WPM 字数: 9246 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 32

The TigerAlas! why these things and not others! BEAUMARCHAISAn English traveller relates how he lived upon intimate terms with atiger; he …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 54 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 121 最快速度: 57 WPM 字数: 10033 开始打字练习

谁杀了列那狐英文版-Chapter 12 Samuel Overhears

On ARRIVING in Paris Kindell went straight to the H?tel Splendide, and by so doing obtained about ten minutes' conversation with the ambassa…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 18 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 36 最快速度: 64 WPM 字数: 6638 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 31

Making Her AfraidSo this is the fine miracle of your civilisation! You have turnedlove into an ordinary matter. BARNAVEJulien hurried to M…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 56 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 347 最快速度: 96 WPM 字数: 9563 开始打字练习

谁杀了列那狐英文版-Chapter 11 Irene Knows Nothing

IRENE WAS THE first to speak, coming to the point with an abruptness which the Frenchman would not have used. "What is it you want to know?"…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 29 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 17 最快速度: 72 WPM 字数: 3562 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 30

A Box at the BouffesAs the blackest sky Foretells the heaviest tempest. Don Juan, I. 73In the thick of all this great commotion, Julien wa…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 27 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 39 最快速度: 58 WPM 字数: 8908 开始打字练习

谁杀了列那狐英文版-Chapter 10 Thurlow Is Annoyed

CYRIL B. THURLOW, accredited Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary from the United States to the Court of St. James, might or m…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 35 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 67 最快速度: 71 WPM 字数: 4724 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 29

BoredomSacrificing oneself to one's passions is one thing; but to passionsthat one doesn't have! O sad nineteenth century! GIRODETAfter ha…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 11 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 49 最快速度: 43 WPM 字数: 6872 开始打字练习

谁杀了列那狐英文版-Chapter 9 Murder

KINDELL CONSIDERED what he should do. The train had gone, and Myra doubtless with it. Returning the parcel to her could no longer be importa…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 15 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 5 最快速度: 70 WPM 字数: 5873 开始打字练习



