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老人与海-Chapter 4

He woke with the jerk of his right fist coming up against his face and the line burning out through his right hand. He had no feeling of his…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 93 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 421 最快速度: 131 WPM 字数: 20599 开始打字练习

老人与海-Chapter 3

It was getting into the afternoon and the boat still moved slowly and steadily. But there was an added drag now from the easterly breeze and…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 77 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 406 最快速度: 113 WPM 字数: 18108 开始打字练习

老人与海-Chapter 2

Sometimes someone would speak in a boat. But most of the boats were silent except for the dip of the oars. They spread apart after they were…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 166 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 526 最快速度: 115 WPM 字数: 44293 开始打字练习

老人与海-Chapter 1

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first fo…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 235 收藏数: 5 评分: 0 测试数: 572 最快速度: 69 WPM 字数: 19787 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 8

Having thus heard the Signal plainly, I laid me down; and it having been a Day of great Fatigue to me, I slept very sound, 'till I was somet…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 38 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 80 最快速度: 61 WPM 字数: 69771 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 7

To remedy this, I went to Work in my Thought, and calling to Friday to bid them sit down on the Bank while he came to me, I soon made a Kind…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 21 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 58 最快速度: 62 WPM 字数: 62195 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 6

About a Year and half after I had entertain'd these Notions, and by long musing, had as it were resolved them all into nothing, for want of …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 20 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 74 最快速度: 89 WPM 字数: 83283 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 5

When I was come down the Hill, to the Shore, as I said above, being the S.W. Point of the Island, I was perfectly confounded and amaz'd; nor…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 30 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 76 最快速度: 60 WPM 字数: 75045 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 4

I had Tortoise or Turtles enough; but now and then one, was as much as I could put to any use. I had Timber enough to have built a Fleet of …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 37 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 247 最快速度: 101 WPM 字数: 73749 开始打字练习

鲁宾逊漂流记英文版-Chapter 3

When I was deliver'd and taken up at Sea by the Portugal Captain, well us'd, and dealt justly and honourably with, as well as charitably, I …

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 38 收藏数: 1 评分: 0 测试数: 246 最快速度: 349 WPM 字数: 81501 开始打字练习



